Friday, August 31, 2007

Paradise Lost

2007-08-29_009Well, our vacation is coming to a close. Tomorrow we are headed home, with the Labor Day traffic helping to repressurize us for life in DC. We have had fantastic weather, with just enough rain to make us appreciate the sunshine. The last few mornings we've awakened to thick fog, but the sun and wind have burned it off by mid-morning. We've had lobster on the beach, sailing, hiking, kayaking, and all the best activities.

Pappy has had the time of his life, but hasn't had many opportunities to play with other dogs. Back home he may have a tough time getting used to us not being around all the time, but I think he'll enjoy being back at the dog park.


Gus said...

You guys have had a beautiful vacation, and have shared it with us in your pictures and comments. Thanks for giving those of us "at home" a chance to vacation vicariously.

T-man Angel said...

Wow, lobster on the beach sounds so glamorous!! Mom only let me have fried eggs on our vacation..not so fancy! It sounds like you had a wonderful & relaxing time.

Kyan said...

The pictures are beautiful!! And Pappy looks very happy in all of them... I'll keep coming back to check out his adventures...
Keep taking those great pictures...

Stella and Annie said...

This is a great picture. I love the shadows hovering, like the impending doom of the end of vacation. Have a safe trip back!

P.S. Pappy's curly tail looks just like Stella's.

Nat said...

Pappy, lacking the discretion not to stick his nose in food at his height, was far away while the lobsters were being served. Butter is all he got out of the deal.

It was great, as was your vacation by all accounts.


Stella and Annie,
Curly tails rock. How do people live with straight-tailed dogs?

Dandy Duke said...

Aren't vacations so relaxing and fun! But it's great to be back home getting back into your old routine! We just got back on September 1st! We had a blast too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch