Alternative Care
I am currently listening to the audio book "A Good Dog" by Jon Katz, where he describes his experience with alternative treatment as a way to help his troubled Border Collie. In this section of the book he describes not only sessions with an acupuncturist and herbal healer, but also an animal communicator and a shaman.
I live in Takoma Park, which probably has more wiccans and spirit walkers per capita than any US city outside of California. And maybe New Mexico. Searching the internet, I did manage to find a small animal masseuse in town, but didn't see any animal communicators or soul retrievers. The former communicate with animals through telepathy, not just grasping ideas and images, but actual language in your pet's thoughts-- there's a more complete description here. A soul retriever goes out and reassembles the free floating parts of a pet or human soul that have escaped through trauma. One can find more information here. There are a surprising number of practitioners out there, or perhaps it isn't so surprising.
In the book Katz acts all hard-bitten and skeptical about these methods, but it's clear he's totally sucked in before he even gets to the first appointment. Personally, I am going to have to stick with veterinarians for Pappy, and, even then, as infrequently as possible.
Hey Pappy,
Just stopping by to say hello :-)
Dear Pappy,
Tee hee. Goodness knows where all the bits of my soul are. I'd like to see someone hare around and catch them!
I've got a big favour to ask you. I know you got November's 'Cool Dog Site of the Month' on Dogmark. I'm up for the same thing for December, so I wondered if you'd consider casting your vote for my site, (it was listed on 16 Dec). Please tell any vote-happy friends too! It would be so cool if we could be side by side on the Cool Sites list!
Happy Chew Year to you (a bit late!)
Back atcha kiddo.
With Scrappy and Finnegan in the running I won't say that you are the only vote I'll cast this month, but you can count on a vote my friend.
Hmmm...if you and Pappy are looking for animal communicators, the yellow pages aren't your best reference tool. Try
1. Any alternative newspaper
2. Any corner in Sedona, AZ or Santa Fe, NM
I'm not totally convinced that I'd like to know what my pooches are thinking. What if it comes back like this:
"I can't wait until he's asleep so I can suffocate him with my big floppy ears."
"I wish I hadn't been adopted by them."
See, it could open a whole can of worms!
Stay warm, Pappy
I don't think I want the humans to know what we're feeling (unless they're cool enough to read our blogs, that is) :)
We have a bulletin board at the organic coop-- that would probably be a good place to check too.
Pappy's #1 thought would be "is that food?" Not as painful as what you fear, but not as intriguing.
Point well taken.
I must say I get almost get sucked in by a pet psychic who shows up at a fundraiser for chihuahua rescue every year. But thankfully for my wallet she is always busy and I never wait in the line up. I am awfully curious though.
Gazing on the calm dignity of Minou, I would be curious too. But then I saw your baboon movie. Now I don't want to know.
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