Monday, December 24, 2007

Somebody's Getting Some Coal

While I was busily wrapping the dog presents for Pappy and dog cousins Polly and Ruby, a nosey little head poked through under my arm. It seems like someone likes Pupperoni. When I turned my back to do something, he started pushing around the packages with his nose. Someone 'round here has a serious deficiency in the old Christmas Spirit department.

Merry Christmas to all, and here's hoping that Pappy doesn't get into everything under the tree while we are asleep tonight.


Charlie said...

The acting world must still be stunned by the appearance of this bright new star! Did you record it? Youtube! Youtube! Youtube! Youtube!
- Charlie

Ari_1965 said...

A certain dog's presents need to go on top of the refrigerator for safekeeping, I think.

Dandy Duke said...

Merry Christmas, Pappy! We hope Santa brought you everything on your list!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus said...

ALL dog presents belong on top of the frigeradador. Used to be, they were safe on the mantel. Not since Teka. We fear the Fridge is under fire also, but so far, have only seen her trying to climb the shelves when the door is open.

happy schmauss

Dean-O! said...

Hope you woke up to find lots of gifties that need unwrapping ':¬}

Merry Christmas!

Miriam said...

Hey, hope you had a great Christmas. Has been difficult to hide the dog's presents over here, too. Too good a nose. She would sit in front of the table and stare. If nobody comes to help, she barks. So I put it somewhere else (without her looking, of course). But she'll find out. I wonder why she can't find these balls in the park, if her nose is that good. ;-) Congrats to Pappy on his starting TV-career.
Habca & Miriam