Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Cooling Off

Pappy in the Tub, 2007-05-28Pappy spends so much time cooling off in the kiddie pool at the dog park, we decided to get him one for the back yard. We stopped by at the local hardware store to pick one up on the way home, but they were out of stock after a holiday run of sales. So I found an old utility tub in the basement, scrubbed it clean, and filled it with water.

Pappy was clearly interested, but couldn't quite work out how to make himself fit. After turning around about twenty times, he finally squeezed in. It reminded me of those shows where a yogi contorts himself to fit into a tiny plexiglass cube. In the evening we went for a cookout to some friends' house, and they gave us a leftover kiddie pool their children had outgrown. Pappy finally has his pool.


Dandy Duke said...

yeaaaaaaaaaa Pappy!
You've got your own pool to cool off in! Life is sweet!

Love ya lots,

Gus said...

Oh boy Pappy! Are you gonna get surfer shorts from that classy pooch parlor? Teka thinks that would be cute

Joe Stains said...

i HATE my pool, but mom and dad like to stick me in it because they say it is SO hot in arizona. pappy looks cute all squeezed in that tub!

Nugget said...

Too cute Pappy! You look very happy in that tub.

Are you ready for a game of tag? - Tag you're it! We are playing
eight things you don't know about me.

Licks, Nugget

MJ's doghouse said...

ohhhh Pappy
you make me so happy...
you look like you are having so much fun in that spa...i had a spa last year but mom couldnt get me to stay in it...i prefer the ocean...much more room to move around

Nat said...

I'm honored that you would think of me, and was pleased to read your post. My well is a bit dry after doing a similar tag last week. I'll think on it and see if some new material occurs to me.

Maggie, Gus, Joe, and MJ,
Pappy's loving the pool, which has a bit more legroom than the utility tub. All winter long Pappy was able to go and go without a break. But in even slightly warm weather he likes to take a dip between every fetch. And he doesn't shake it off, he just trails water all over the patio.

Ferndoggle said...

I bought the Dogs a kiddie pool last summer & they hated it!

Pappy fits perfectly in that tub!


Nat said...

Your dogs have such aerodynamic coats, they probably don't even feel the heat. Except Sherman... I'm a little surprised he didn't see the benefits.