Monday, February 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to Pappy

This is the big day... Pappy's third birthday. We celebrated last night by having over my brother's family including Pappy's dog-cousin, Ruby. The two dogs had a lovely celebratory dinner of a cake made out of chicken and rice, with a frosting made of peanut butter and chicken stock-- nobody threw up. Ruby gave Pappy some lovely stuffed animals, then she proceeded to take them into the other room and tear them to shreds in the spirit of giving.


Duke said...

Happy birthday, Pappy! Your cake sounds like it was awesome! We're thrilled to know that nobody was sick!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Girasol said...

Feliz Cumpleaños, Pappy!!
Happy Birthday, Pappy!!
Glad to read that you have a nice dinner last night with your cousin Ruby.

FleasGang said...

Happy B-day Pappy! Next year might we recommend an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen? They're just as tasty, if not more. And kudos to Ruby for being such a "giving" cousin. :-)

The FleasGang

Gus said...

happy birthday Pappy. You are still a pup to this old man! But I can certainly relate to having Ruby kill the toys. That is what Teka did to mine too!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Pappy! Wishing you many more!!

Harry said...

Happy birthday Pappy. That cake does indeed sound delicious!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Princess Patches said...

Happy, happy Birthday, Pappy! We hope Ruby at least left you the carcasses to play with!

Poppy & Penny

Jude said...

Happy birthday, Pappy! :)

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Pappy! Happy Barkday pal! J x

William Tell said...

A very happy birthday to you, Pappy! Sounds like you know how to celebrate in style!

Wishing you many more...

William Tell

Ang said...

Happy Birthday Pappy!!!!

Joe Stains said...

Happy Birthday PAPPY!!!!!!!!!

Boo Casanova said...

Hi pappy, happy b'day!

wet wet licks


Lacy said...

woofies Pappy, me sorrwy me iz late but happy barkday...hope u got lots of pressies and tweats...

b safe,

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Pappy!! :D

Murphey said...

Is it really a good party if nobody throws up? Hee Hee

Happy belated birthday Pappy!


Ferndoggle said...

Sorry we're a little late, but Happy Birthday to Pappy!! Sounds like the perfect way to celebrate such a fine gent! 3 years is on the way out of puppyhood. Penny didn't slow down till she was almost 5...and Lola seems determined to be a puppy till she hits 25!


Amici said...

Happy Birthday Pappy! That cake sounds very yummy and puppy friendly. :)

We're sorry your friend is an Indian giver. At least you got to look at your new toys. :)

The Zoo Crew said...

Hi Pappy! We just found your blog and see that you recently had a barkday celebration.....Hip Hip Hooray!

(and nice to meet you)

Peace + Paws,

The Zoo Crew

MJ's doghouse said...

i hope you had a great third birthday pappy..oh those were the days....

Deanna said...

Happy Birthday (very late)!

andrea_frets said...

Happy Birthday PAPPY! You are still one of our favorite blogging doggies b/c you are so handsome and cool.

Finny (via his mama)

Finnigan and Cat said...

happy be-lated birthdfay to pappy! from cat and finnigan at

Anonymous said...

Cool! Happy Birthday Pappy! I hope you have the best one yet.

Anonymous said...

Woof! Belated Happy Birthday Pappy!!
better late than never

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